The weak become strong

With mentor • 24 lessons • 2,898 students

Introduction to the online course The Weak Become Strong

You are awesome!

You are a son or a daughter of your heavenly Father.

This is my desire that you will realize what is your position in Christ and in which household you are born as a Born-again Christian. From there it all starts.

It is not in the doing but in the being. Take a deep breath, God loves you forever. There is nothing that can take His love away from you.

I pray that you will be blessed by the lessons and the course.

Please read all the content. Some questions may look easy, but they always refer to the text. Do not answer from your reference box and experience. Try to step out of your comfort zone. I do not try to push you in another doctrine, but to bring you in the loving arms of the Father.

The start.

How do you start?

First of all, we are very glad and excited to have you here. It will help you in your life as a believer and minister.

Before starting we would like to point at the importance of reading the lessons.

Read the lessons carefully.

Sometimes the questions are easy, and some answer them without reading the lessons. The mentor will recognize that easily and will put you on hold.

Read 1 lesson a day. Then you answer the questions.

If you do more than 2 lessons a day, we will postpone you and it might take a long time before we will mark your lessons again.

After you answered, we ‘mark’ the answers. If you go to fast, you will not understand the corrections and questions, so take it easy. Sometimes we ask you questions. Please answer them. We want to get to know you better. So we can also pray for you.

This is a school. Not a game. Do not see it as cheap, but see it as an advantage for your life in Christ and in the church today. These lessons provide you with more knowledge and experience and with the certificate, you will be encouraged and empowered to learn and do more.

After the first lesson there are questions and after that also a list of some few questions. We are looking forward to read your response.

God bless you,

Hayo de Vries

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