The Bible and the Gospel

With mentor • 15 lessons • 2,762 students

The Bible and the Gospel.

Welcome to this course!

We are happy to have you here and to have the opportunity to tell you something about the Bible and what exactly is written in it. What happened in history? What happened at the time the Bible was written? We will explain what the Gospel means.

We hope you will enjoy this course. Feel free to ask questions and answer on ours. We hope that you will discover things you did not know and get answers on subjects related to the Bible and the Gospel.

We advice you to do one or two lessons at a time (or per day) maximum. In this way we have time to react and mark your questions in a good pace.

Last word of respect and rule: whatever you believe, we don't want to attack you. Of course we stand behind what we write, but we don't want to criticize your vision. While it may seem that way, we want to respect your idea of ​​life. Of course, we sincerely hope that you will be enthusiastic about what we believe. So we will not attack and want to keep from both sides this rule, that we will not accept insults. Keep it nice and lovely.

Enjoy and be blessed!

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